Nicki Minaj Concert Apollo Manchester 28 June Nicki Minaj is a Trinidadian-American rapper and singer- songwriter. She was born in Saint James, Trinidad and Tobago and when she was 5 years of age she moved to the New York City borough of Queens, where she grew up. Program Dates 27-29 June 2012 Per person in Twin/Double Room From 99.- Euro Single Supplement 49.- Euro Included *2 nights accommodation in Manchester 3* Hotel in Istanbul *Buffet breakfasts EXTRAS : Extra night, per person/night sharing a twin room inc. of breakfast : Euro 49.- Single supplement , per person/ night: Euro 29.- Notes: Entrance tickets not included World Travel Service Reservation: +90 212 2379060  Click for Reservation The reservation form is a privilege for our customers to send their requests and wishes and to get their replies in a most quick way. Turkey Tours Istanbul Tours | Anatolian Tours | Turkish Riviera Honeymoon | Events | Sports & Extreme Turkey Home > Events Home > |